Orlaith & Ruairi | Engaged


Grianan of Aileach, County Donegal, Republic of Ireland



3 July, 2020



Engagement Session, Photo Only

Orlaith & Ruairi were two of the lucky winners of the engagement session giveaway we held earlier this year but, unfortunately due to the Covid-19 pandemic, they had to delay the timing of their engagement session with us to when social distancing & travel restrictions would allow.

If there were ever two people more in love than Orlaith & Ruairi, I have yet to meet them.

From first meeting them in the car park of Grianan of Aileach prior to our shoot there, I could tell that their love for one another was infectious, & I knew they had a beautiful story to tell that I just couldn’t wait to document.

Somehow, the rain managed to stay away for the entire duration of our session, despite not letting up for the 2+ hour drive up from Monaghan. We were in for a treat though, as the rain clouds hung all around us in a gorgeous, panoramic vista, with the softening light of a beautiful sunset over the calm North Atlantic out to our West.

We hope you enjoy viewing these images as much as we enjoyed making them!

Orlaith & Ruairi

It was such an honour spending time with you both, & even more of an honour by being able to document just a snippet of your story..

Get in touch with us today!

Tyron Ross

Professional Wedding, Elopement & Engagement Photographer based in County Monaghan, Ireland.


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Natalie & David | Engaged